London endocrinologist and diabetes consultant

Dr A Qureshi

London Endocrinologist, Clementine Churchill Hospital clinic for patients with diabetes and endocrinology disorders

Our approach

  • We want to make your journey to health easier
  • We offer a holistic approach to diagnose and treat 
  • We take a patient focused approach
  • We use world-class facilities 
  • We have a team of the best allied specialists (e.g. dieticians, surgeons, etc.) to provide you with the ideal care
  • We empower you in the management of your condition
  • Please take time to review what his patients say about Dr Qureshi approach
London Endocrinologist, Dr Asjid Qureshi

Dr Asjid Qureshi

About our consultant

  • Dr Qureshi was born in London, graduated from Edinburgh University and completed his specialist training in London
  • He is a full-time NHS consultant in one of the largest hospitals in London and has worked in the NHS since 1992
  • He has specialised in endocrinology and diabetes since 1997 and he began private practice in 2009
  • He is an expert in dealing with diagnoses such as poor diabetes control, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules, hypercalcaemia, etc. 

About our consultant (cont.)

  • Dr Asjid Qureshi is an experienced and caring endocrinologist and diabetologist who consults at the Wellington Hospital (London, UK) and Clementine Churchill Hospital (Harrow, UK)
  • He is recognised by all popular insurers.
  • Dr Asjid Qureshi provides an efficient, highly professional service that is tailored for patients and colleagues.

Accredited specialist in:

– Endocrinology
– Diabetes
– General Internal Medicine

Professional membership

– Society for Endocrinology
– Diabetes UK
– General Medical Council (3658468)

Dr Qureshi's curriculum vitae

Dr Asjid Qureshi is a Consultant in Endocrinology and Diabetes at Northwest London NHS Trust, Harrow. He was born in London and graduated from Edinburgh University in 1992. He undertook his specialist training in London and during his career has worked at professorial units at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, The Royal London Hospital and St George`s Hospital.

He has a research background in obesity and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and was awarded a Doctorate in Medicine in 2006 at the University of London. He has successfully secured research grants from various sources including the Welcome Trust and has published in the fields of obesity, endocrinology and diabetes. He is the author of over 40 articles, abstracts, book chapter and academic websites.

Dr Qureshi has been a consultant since 2006 and was appointed College Tutor and Training Program Director at Northwick Park Hospital in 2007. He was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in 2009 and has been a member of various committees at NHS Trust, deanery and regional specialty levels.

He is a specialist in the management of parathyroid, thyroid, pituitary, adrenal and gonadal disorders including Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, hirsuitism, hyper- and hypothyroidism, hypercalcaemia, male and female hypogonadism and thyroid cancer. Dr Qureshi is an ARSAC licence holder and manages patients treated with radioiodine. His expertise also include the management of patients with hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, electrolyte disturbances osteoporosis, type 1 and 2 diabetes, hypoglycaemia, insulin pumps, obesity and general internal medical conditions.



Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians



MD (University of London),
Doctorate of Medicine



CCST in diabetes, endocrinology and medicine,
Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training



ALS provider
Advanced Life Support provider



Membership of the Royal College of Physicians



MB ChB (Edin) 
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery



Special Papers 
Chemistry (Distinction)
Mathematics (Merit)



A Levels
Mathematics (A)
Physics (A)
Chemistry (A)


Doctorate of Medicine
University of London



Faculty of Medicine
Edinburgh University
Lauriston Place



John Kelly Boy`s School
Crest Road



Consultant in Diabetes, Endocrinology and General Internal Medicine

Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow




Locum Consultant in Diabetes,

Endocrinology and General Internal Medicine

Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow




Specialist registrar and honorary clinical research fellow

Diabetes, endocrinology and general internal medicine

Dr A Panahloo and Dr L Seal

St George`s Hospital, London




Specialist registrar and honorary clinical research fellow

Diabetes, endocrinology and general internal medicine

Professor SS Nussey

St George`s Hospital, London




Clinical research fellow

Dr HD Mason and Professor SS Nussey

St George`s University of London




Specialist registrar (senior SpR)

Diabetes, endocrinology and general internal medicine

Professor SS Nussey

St George`s Hospital, London




Specialist registrar

Diabetes, endocrinology and general internal medicine

Professor SS Nussey

St George`s Hospital, London




Specialist registrar

Diabetes, endocrinology and general internal medicine

Dr A Rodin and Dr S Hyer

St Helier Hospital, Carshalton, Surrey




Specialist registrar

Diabetes, endocrinology and general internal medicine

Dr T Wheatley

Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath, West Sussex




Specialist registrar

Diabetes, endocrinology and general internal medicine

Professor SS Nussey

St George`s Hospital, London




Clinical research fellow and honorary lecturer

Diabetes, endocrinology and general internal medicine

Professor PG Kopelman, Professor GA Hitman, Dr DJ Wood and Dr B Boucher

St Bartholomew`s and Royal London Hospital, London






Dr S Banim and Dr T Crake

North Middlesex Hospital, London





Clinical oncology

Dr N Davidson, Dr S Davies, Dr S Karp and Dr F Neave

North Middlesex Hospital, London





Clinical haematology (additional duties in HIV medicine)

Dr T Kumaran, Dr J Luckit and Dr A Yardumian

North Middlesex Hospital, London





General internal medicine and diabetes 
(additional duties in rheumatology)

Dr H Tindall

North Middlesex Hospital, London





General internal medicine and endocrinology 
(additional duties in neurology)

Dr I Ramsay

North Middlesex Hospital, London





Medicine for the elderly

Dr W Woothipoom, Dr R Luder and Dr P Ranmuthu

North Middlesex Hospital, London





Accident and emergency

Mr R Bhutiani

Northwick Park Hospital, London





Accident and emergency

Mr J Belstead

Ashford Hospital, Middlesex





General surgery

Mr J Aitkins, Mr M Griffiths and Mr T Croft

Eastern General Hospital, Edinburgh





Orthopaedic surgery

Professor C Courtbrown, Miss M McQueen and Mr J Christie

Royal Infirmary Of Edinburgh





General internal medicine

Dr J Gaddie, Dr P Leslie, Dr O Eade, Dr G Stockdill and 
Dr C Norris

Borders General Hospital, Edinburgh



Wellcome Trust, Value In People Award



Nominee for best clinical poster
Qureshi A, Bano G, Nussey SS
Gestational DI and Oligohydramnios
194th Meeting of Society for Endocrinology



St George`s Charitable Foundation Award
Medical Research Committee



Prize for best academic achievement
John Kelly Boys School 



Prize for best academic achievement
John Kelly Boys School 



Secretary of regional Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Medicine Committee,
Northwest London 



Core Medical Training Committee,
London Deanery 



Undergraduate Medicine Committee,



Postgraduate Medicine Committee,



Chairman of Annual Review of Competence Progression committee,
Northwick Park Hospital 



Urgent Care Task Force,



Chairman of TTA Task and Finish Group,



Transitional Care Group,



Specialist Registrar Representative,
Medicine Service Delivery Unit meetings,
St George`s Hospital,



Specialist Registrar Representative
SW London Speciality Training Committee for Diabetes and Endocrinology 



Parents` and Teachers` association newsletter, 
The Avenue School,



Student representative
Board of Governors Meetings, 
John Kelly Boys School, London 


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) trilogy: a translational and clinical review. Mason H, Colao A, Blume-Peytavi U, Rice S, Qureshi A, Pellatt L, Orio F, Atkin SL. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2008 Dec;69(6):831-44. Epub 2008 Jun 27.

Sharp PS, Brown B, and Qureshi A. Age at diagnosis of diabetes in a secondary care population: 1992—2005. The Brit Jour of Diab & Vas Dis. 2008; 8(2): 92 – 95

Qureshi A. Random Cortisol: a false reassurance. Clinical Biochemistry Newsletter, Northwest London Hospitals NHS Trust, Sep 2008

Qureshi AI, Nussey SS, Bano G, Musonda P, Whitehead SA and Mason HD. Testosterone selectively increases primary follicles in ovarian cortex grafted onto embryonic chick membranes: relevance to polycystic ovaries. Reproduction. 2008;136(2):187-94

H Sheikh, H Al-Gayer, A Qureshi. Effects of nGMS contract on diabetes control, Diabetes and Primary Care 122-4 Vol 9 No 2 2007

H Al-Gayer, H Sheikh, A Qureshi. Should inpatient DSN numbers be reduced given the NHS crash crisis? Journal of diabetes Nursing 148-52 Vol 11 No 4 2007

A Qureshi , E Kalu , G Ramanathan , G Bano , C Croucher , A Panahloo. IVF/ICSI in a woman with active acromegaly: Successful outcome following treatment with pegvisomant. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2006 23(11-12) 439-442(4)

Cassell PG, Neverova M, Janmohamed S, Uwakwe N, Qureshi A, McCarthy MI, Saker PJ, Albon L, Kopelman P, Noonan K, Easlick J, Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Pecqueur C, Ricquier D, Warden C, Hitman GA. An Uncoupling Protein 2 Gene Variant Is Associated With A Raised Body Mass Index But Not Type II Diabetes. Diabetologia. 1999 Jun;42(6):688-92

Qureshi A, Kopelman PG. Leptin, Fat Messenger Or Fat Controller? Clinical endocrinology 1997:47:169-171

Book chapters

Qureshi A, Kopelman PG. “The Role Of Obesity And Leptin In IGT/Type II Diabetes” in “Diabetes: Current Perspectives” edited by Professor Betteridge DJ. Martin Dunitz Ltd, 2000

Abstracts (oral presentations)

S Sharma, A Qureshi. A Raised TSH; poorly compliant hypothyroid patient or not? British Endocrine Society Meeting, 2009

Qureshi A, Homfray T, Nussey SS, Bano G. Patience Is A Virtue. 196th Meeting of the Society for Endocrinology, 2005

Qureshi A, Bano G, Whitehead S, Nussey SS and Mason HD. Androgens Increase Primordial Follicles And Reduce Follicular Atresia In Ovarian Tissue: A Model For PCOS? The Endocrine Society`s 87th Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2005

Qureshi A, Bano G, Whitehead S, Nussey SS and Mason HD. The CAM Technique And Early Ovarian Follicle Growth. National Ovarian Workshop, Edinburgh, 2004

Qureshi A, Bano G, Nussey SS. NICE `Retinopathy Screening And Early Management Guidelines`: Resource Implications. Diabetes UK Annual Professional Meeting, Glasgow, 2003

Abstracts (poster presentations)

K Vithian, A Qureshi, K Steer. Use of Exenatide in a District General Hospital: Experience at Northwick Park Hospital, Northwest London NHS Trust. Diabetes UK annual conference, 2009

A Amin, A Adjene, A Qureshi. Diabetes Control in Secondary Care. Diabetes UK annual conference, 2008

Lumb A, Kinan M, Qureshi A. Changes in combined insulin and oral hypoglycaemic agent use in type 1 and 2 diabetes. Diabetes UK annual conference, 2008

Qureshi A, Ramanathan G, Seal L, Manyonda I, Panahloo A. A Complex Case Of Pregnancy And Pegvisomant Treated Acromegaly. 8th European Congress on Endocrinology, Glasgow, 2006

Qureshi A, Bano G, Nussey SS. Seamless Care: The Quality Of Correspondence Between Primary And Secondary Health Care Professionals. Diabetes UK Annual Professional Meeting, Birmingham, 2006

Shaikh H, Qureshi A. The Effect Of The General Medical Services Contract On Diabetes Control. Diabetes UK Annual Professional Meeting, Birmingham, 2006

Shaikh H, Saha S, Qureshi A. Changing Trends In Patient Preference For Retinal Screening. Diabetes UK Annual Professional Meeting, Birmingham, 2006

El-Gayar H, Saha S, Qureshi A. The 10gm Monofilament Test: More Than Just An Indicator Of Risk Of Ulceration. Diabetes UK Annual Professional Meeting, Birmingham, 2006

Qureshi A, Homfray T, Nussey SS, Bano G. Is The Mother Always To Blame? 196th Meeting of the Society for Endocrinology, 2005

Qureshi A, Panahloo A, Lau R, Seal L. Thyroid Dysfunction In HIV. 196th Meeting of the Society for Endocrinology, 2005

Qureshi A, Charnley A, Sorensen S, Ramanathan G, Walton A, Manyonda I, Panahloo A. The Value Of Routine Digital Retinal Screening In Gestational Diabetes. Joint meeting of The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and The Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health, London, 2005

Ramanathan G, Qureshi A, Walton A, Panahloo A, Manyonda I. The Diagnosis Of Gestational Diabetes – Laying A Dinosaur To Rest. Joint meeting of The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and The Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health, London, 2005

Qureshi A, Bano G, Whitehead S, Nussey SS and Mason HD. Androgens Inhibit Atresia And Retard Early Development Of Ovarian Follicles: A Model For PCOS? 195th Meeting of the Society for Endocrinology, 2004

Qureshi A, Bano G, Whitehead S, Nussey SS and Mason HD. Development Of The CAM Technique For Ovarian Follicle Culture. The Endocrine Society`s 86th Annual Meeting, USA, 2004

Qureshi A, Bano G, Wilson P, Nussey SS. Multiple Thyroid Tumours. British Endocrine Society Annual Professional Meeting, 2004

Qureshi A, Bano G, Whitehead S, Nussey SS and Mason HD. The CAM Technique And Follicle Development. British Endocrine Society Annual Professional Meeting, 2004

Qureshi A, Bano G, Whitehead S, Nussey SS and Mason HD. The CAM Technique: Controlled Follicle Growth And Low Rates Of Atresia. XIII International Workshop on the Development and Function of the Reproductive Organs, Copenhagen, 2004

Qureshi A, Bano G, Whitehead S, Nussey SS and Mason HD. Ovarian Follicle Culture: An Old Technique Revisited. 194th Meeting of Society for Endocrinology, London, 2003

Qureshi A, Bano G, Nussey SS. Gestational DI And Oligohydramnios. 194th Meeting of Society for Endocrinology, London, 2003 (nominated for best clinical poster)

Qureshi A, Bano G, Nussey SS. Treating Hyperprolactinaemia: Where To Draw The Line? British Endocrine Society Annual Professional Meeting, 2003

Dumskyj M, Qureshi A, Nussey S. Evaluation Of Retinalyze Software For Automated Detection Of Diabetic Retinopathy In Unselected, Low Resolution, Digitally Acquired Images From A Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Program. American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2002

Qureshi A, Grace C, Hood G, Noonan K, Burrin J, Kopelman PG. Leptin And Its Role In Determining Resting Metabolic Rate In Bardet-Biedl Syndrome. The 8th International Congress on Obesity, Paris, 1998

Qureshi A, Grace C, Beales P, Kopelman P. Does Altered Hypothalamic-Pituitary Function Contribute To The Obesity Of Subjects With Bardet-Biedl Syndrome? 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting For European Society For Clinical Investigation, Cracow, Poland, 1998

Grace C, Qureshi A, Beales P, Summerbell C, Kopelman PG. Alteration Of Resting Metabolic Rate In The Aetiology Of Obesity In Bardet-Biedl Syndrome. 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting For European Society For Clinical Investigation, Cracow, Poland, 1998


Diabetes and Endocrinology module 1 and 2, St George`s University of London.

Student Self teaching modules. St George`s University of London. Available on intranet only

“Endocrinology: An Integrated Approach” by SS Nussey and SA Whitehead.

(Winner of the Asher prize for a first medical textbook 2001) 

Thomas Addison Unit, St George`s Hospital. This website provides information for patients, general practitioners, SpRs, SHOs, students and those involved in clinical governance

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