When is this performed?
- In patients with one or more over active parathyroid glands
- In parathyroid cancer
What does the treatment involve?
- Surgery can be performed using various approaches depending on the nature of the illness being treated and your local services
- Examples of approaches include:
Open (or explorative through larger incision)
Focal (small incision beside parathyroid identified to be at fault)
Endoscopic (small incision, but can be used to explore)
Are there any side-effects?
- A low serum calcium after surgery is not uncommon and can be associated with tingling. Your calcium will be checked after surgery and treatment commenced if needed
- A slight alteration in voice occurs rarely (<1%)
How long does this treatment take and is admission to hospital required?
- The operative procedure may take less than an hour
- The duration of stay in hospital is dependent on the surgical approach taken
- Minimally invasive techniques can be performed as a day case, where as open explorative procedure may admission for several days
- Patients undergoing a focal procedure may be back to work within days
- The recovery time for open explorative procedures may be 1 week
What should you tell your doctor?
- A precise list of all your medication
- Your allergies